Jonathan Riley



A series of 14 Films.
Full Audio Production
Original Music
Sound Design


Production: The Mill
Director: FILFURY
Executive Producer: Pete King
Producers: Mark Hall, Moira Mahoney
Director of Photography: Billy Peña
Shoot Supervisor: Julian Ford
Production Coordinator: Matthew Graham
Additional: Gouthan Hampankatta, Noan John Vinod

Client: Uber
Producer: Sam Heller
Creative Director: Bo Deng

Editorial: The Mill
Editor: David Nitzsche
Edit Assist: Ryan Burbank

Colour: The Mill
Colourist: Matt Osbourne
Executive Producer, Colour: Linda Jackson
Colour Producer: Evan Bauer
Production Coordinator, Colour: Jessica Amburgey
Colour Assists: Gemma Parr, Carver Moore, Logan Highlen, Brandon Phillis

VFX Creative
2D Lead Artists: Julian Ford, Rakesh Venugopalan
3D Lead Artist: Matt Bohnert
Paint Lead: Nithin Babu
3D Artist: Chris Goodrich
2D Artists: Gavin Marler, Lenz Kol, Jake Albers, Anuj Bhandari, Aravind Mani, Jhoshidh T, Jyoti Tiwari, Madhana Gopala, Pradeep Kumar Rawat, Siam Shukoor, Ranith P
Animation: Greg Park, Patrick Kipper
Storyboard Artist: Mark Yates
Previz Artists: Mike Di Nocco, Erica Estrada
Tracking: Danny Garcia, Elizabeth Hammer